Bound II   -    2000/2002    -    10’13

4 Channel Tape-composition

Voices: Barbara Woof and Janice Jackson

Poem: Robin Kollema

Originally composed (the first version of Bound) for the sculptress Robin Kolleman, as part of the exhibition ‘Gathering’ at the Paviljoens at Almere (Netherlands) in January to March 2000. The exhibition consisted of 5 sculptures with a human shape. Each sculpture contained a small loudspeaker: therefore voice and voice manipulation was a central theme. After this exhibition there was a total make-over of the composition: many tracks and sounds have been added to make it into a 4 channel tape composition. Central is the poem of Robin Kolleman:

She closed her head

Within her the sound of crooning women

She walked through

In spite of herself

She turned her body off

Facing the world

She saw the moon affected

Undecided she changed her name.

Voice and voice manipulation are central ingredients for this composition. Phasevocoder analyses and (re-) synthesis techniques are being used to create a rich timbral pallet. The sounds are sometimes isolated in space and sometimes in dialogue with each other. Voices and sounds are moving through space (Pantophonic). The whole composition consists of three major movements which are linked together.

The sound manipulation consists of time stretching and pitch shifting of the selected material. In some places spectral filtering has been used. All through the piece Cross-synthesis techniques are a major source for creating different timbres.

Software used: AudioSculpt 1.91, Sound Manipulator 0.90ß1 (a self written phasevocoder program), and some sound spacialisation software modules written as external objects for the Max/MSP environment. (Ambisonic -Pantophonic) and 2D Intensity panning.

All processing and editing and Mastering: Michèl Koenders.

The whole has been edited and mastered in Protools LE 5.x & Digital Performer 2.x