
1988 - 2020

Cluster on, cluster off.    Computer solo                         1988    4’08

Contrasts.    Piano , computer and FM-modules            1989    8’07

Fractime.    Computer solo and FM-Modules                 1990    5’15

Bow & Arrow.    Cello and computer (DSP)                    1993    9’30

Spear & Shield.        Piano and computer (DSP)            1995    14’50

Cello improv.    Cello, computer and effect-processor    1996    5’37

While.    Guitar, computer and effect-processor              1997    10’00

Gevels study.     Tape-solo                                              1998    8’23

T.M.R.     Piano, cello and computer (DSP)                    1998    11’13

The sighs of Dora.    Tape-solo                                       1999    1’31

Demo van Doesburg.    Tape-solo                                   2000    3’22

Strictly according to Analogy (Flatland).    Small ensemble and computer (DSP)        2001    15’30

Bound II.    Tape-solo                                                       2000/2002    10’13

Helmet & Sling.    Trumpet and computer (DSP)             2001/2002    13’30

Lullaby (for Christin).    Double bass and tape                 2003    5’32

Naxos revisited.    Soprano and tape                               2003    10’40

Bouncing Ball II.    Tape-solo                                            2004    11’57

MMM_Transforms.    Computer Graphics and tape (fixed-media)        2005/2008    43’00

Trias Politica.    Trio (BCl, piano and cello) and computer (DSP)        2008    11’35

Alogon.        Choir (mixed) and computer (DSP)               2009    13’35

Ploutôn.    Fixed media for the Zirkonium (ZKM Germany)        2010    25’00

In Search of Cohen’s Kappa.    Small ensemble (Perc,voice,vio,pia and flutes)        2010    11’50

Argos Pansonos.    Piano and computer (DSP)                2013/2016/2019    15’10

Zwicky’s box.    Ensemble (pia, bcl, flutes, vio, cel. and perc.)  and computer (DSP)        2015/2016/2020    24’00

Scope.      Percussion (Springdrums and ceramics) and computer (DSP)        2016/2020    11’05

MMM_Transforms II.    Computer Graphics and tape (fixed-media)     2014/2018/2021 14’30