Sell-Out ! (OP=OP)    -    2006    -    14’35

    8 channel live Composition for Computer and stringquartet.

Structure of the composition Sell-Out !:

I Intro.     II part.     III part.     IV part.      V Coda.

 “Over the next 100 years, climate change is expected to accelerate, contributing to major physical, ecological, social and economic changes, many of which have already begun.”

Icecaps are melting, rainforests chopped down, seas and oceans completely fished out and badly polluted: in short, the great Sell-Out has begun….

But how does one express social criticism in a composition without having to resort to a protest song a lá Bob Dylan?

Hasn’t Art always had a ‘Til Eulenspiel’ function anyway and maybe it’s about time to use this again and with added force?

Is the fifth string a parasympathetic one or can it sound another (dissonant) note?

OP=OP is a composition about tranquility and the disruption thereof.

It is in five parts in which algorithmic elements are woven with ‘hand-written’ lines each of which is processed in ‘real-time’.

Pitch detection and fractal calculations are constantly used throughout the realtime process, for digital signal processing and positioning in the ambisonic space.

The last (Coda) section is a bitter-sweet acoustic commentary (just using movement into space) on the preceding electronic sections.

- Do we know how to turn around in time? Is there any hope? Or are we in a head-on collision course? -

Important is the fact that all four quartet players are facing each other and are playing in the middle of the circle surrounded by the audience and the eight loudspeakers. Look at the technical drawings at the bottum of this page, and the picture of the quartet at the rehearsel just before the concert.

All recording, soundprocessing editing and postprocessing: Michèl Koenders.

Also the Audio Design and all other technical drawings at the bottum of this page.

Has been performed by: Zephyr stringquartet.

Zephyr Stringquartet:

Barbara Lüneburg: first violin

Jacob Plooij: second violin

Elizabeth Smalt: Viola John Addison: Cello

Audio design and Technical drawings: © Michèl Koenders 

Poster design: Dré Kampfraath

Zephyr Stringquartet, performance (rehearsel) at Veere, 10 June 2006